Save the Date! The 4th Annual FCA-SW LAPD Rally - Saturday morning, May 18, 2024
To benefit the Los Angeles Police Department Pacific Division Boosters (officer's & kid's programs), we are having our 4th Annual LAPD escorted Ferrari rally around West L.A.
The LAPD Pacific Division rally will include 60 Ferraris* with a team of 12 LAPD squad cars to escort us non-stop around the Pacific Division area. Our drive will follow the officers with their lights flashing and they will block intersections so our group won't need to stop for red lights or become separated!
*Only Ferraris are invited to the rally. RALLY LIMITED TO 60 FERRARIS!
To participate in the rally, we will request a $300 tax deductible donation from each car owner.
Current FCA membership required to join. Our goal is to donate $18,000 to the Pacific Division Boosters. Surprise gift for all owners!
Optional BBQ lunch at police headquarters after the Rally
"Cop Approved" Randy's Donuts & Coffee will be provided at our meeting point near LAX.
We will begin sign ups in January.... Or if you can't join the rally but would like to support the police with a tax deductible donation... please email event organizer FCA-SW President Jim Bindman at: