
President's Corner

By: Wally Clark

In the latest Sempre there was a small notice that the club has a new office address and phone number. I want to expand on that a little - Member Demetri Zafiris has volunteered his office in the San Fernando Valley to serve as the new club office. On behalf of the club, I'd like to thank Judd Goldfeder for providing the club office and a special thanks to Tammy Miller for acting as the club "secretary." The Board made the decision to move the club office to the Los Angeles area which is more the center of our membership base.

I just attended the FCA Annual Board Meeting in Orlando as your Regional Director and here are some up-dates. The Club is strong nationwide with over 4300 members and 13 regions. The Board voted to increase the National dues from $80. to $85. a year. As a Region, we will keep our dues the same $35., so the yearly dues will be $120 with your renewals. Ron Profili was nominated for President, succeeding Doug Freeman who has served since 1995.

Member Jeff Littrell is in the process of up-dating the club web site. We are changing the host to Hostworks, which also handles the FCA National and FNA web sites. We will have a new FCA-SW web address and will publish it soon.

Don't forget the 1999 FCA Annual Meet which is in Atlanta at the Chateau Elan Winery and Resort. See the FCA National monthly news bulletin for a sign up form or call (770) 217-2500.