The organization committee has met four times and at least 25 of the members have attended at least one meeting. Meetings are announced in this Newsletter on page 4, please come if you can. We hope everyone will participate.
There are over 100 members and 27 of those are new to the Ferrari Club of America. All of our members live in our region. Events will be planned so everyone can participate.
Three successful events have already been sponsored: Rodeo Drive II, a picnic in Palos Verdes, and a track event at Willow Springs in conjunction with the 348 Challenge. Almost all members have participated in at least one.
Incorporation papers have been filed with the Secretary of State. There is now a California not for profit corporation named "Southwest Region of the Ferrari Club of America." Thanks to Michael Yedor for providing the legal work.
At the next meeting of the organizing committee, on August 16th, we will receive proposed by-laws which will be presented for adoption at the meeting in September. If anyone would like a copy please call me. Following the adoption of by-laws, a general membership meeting will be scheduled at which officers will be elected. See page 4 for more information on the August meeting.
This is our third Newsletter. Jeff Littrell has created it from scratch. He solicited articles, wrote articles, sold ads, and created the layout working against tight time deadlines. An impressive accomplishment. Several FCA officers have sent letters praising our Newsletter as one of the best in the entire FCA This is one of the most important building blocks in the success of our Club. If it is interesting you will read it and participate in the events. How about letters to the editor!? Thanks Jeff for a great job.
Special thanks also to Tom Brockmiller, Frank Carlone, Murray Cogan, Matt Ettinger, Marshall Leib, Steve Tillack, Cris Vandagriff, and Cy Yedor for their enthusiasm and participation.
Clubs exist to serve members. I hope we will sponsor events and provide you with information that will keep your interest. My goal is for our board to plan diverse events. Few if any of you will participate in all but I hope we interest each of you in participating in at least a few events during the next year. The Club exists to give us a reason to come together, to use our cars and enjoy the company of others who are interested in cars - particularly Ferraris. Elsewhere in this issue there is information about planned and tentative events - please call or write with your ideas. Better yet, let us know you would like to chair an event and you will do it.
As we go forward I hope you will come to meetings, participate in events, enjoy the Newsletter and the FCA publications. This is our Club, it exists for all the members, not just for the board or a few officers, let's all have fun. Tell us what you want and we will do it, if you don't like something then let us know. Encourage your friends to join...see you in Monterey or at another event soon.
P.S. If your address label has an M near your name that means you are a member of the FCA but have not yet joined the Southwest region and paid dues of $35. A membership form is in the Newsletter on page 9. This will be the last Newsletter sent to non-members of the Southwest region. If you paid Pacific region dues with your FCA membership then your membership should have been automatically transferred to the Southwest region but we have not received the dues from Atlanta. Please let me know if this is the case so that you will stay on the mailing list.