What a fun weekend! The Saturday/Sunday event in Palm Springs on April 8th and 9th was
well attended by Club members and their Ferraris.
On Saturday we had a chance to tour the Palm Springs Air Museum. This is a great salute to
WWll vintage airplanes and memorbillia. The museum rolled the airplanes out of the hangers
to make room for parking our Ferraris! We were treated to a "fly in" of an
authentic P51 Mustang. The roar of the Merlin V-12 has to be heard to be believed! Our
thanks to the museum staff and to our host Mr. Bob Pond for allowing us to tour the museum
and to park the cars among the vintage aircraft.
The Saturday night dinner at the Wyndham Hotel was very well attended and well organized.
The food was delicious and the DJ was great with music and dancing after dinner. We would
have had photos, but Kevork's camera did not let the film wind through! So those of you
looking for your picture, make believeits here! The Hotel did a nice job of setting up
separate parking for the Ferraris.
On Sunday we all attended the Concours at O'Donnell Golf Course. There were about 30
Ferraris on the field, more than any other marque. Special Ferrari classes were set up for
judging by FCA members. Don West and I would like to thank those we "recruited"
to help judge - Tom Shaughnessy, Carlos Amato and Kevork Hazarian.
Many thanks to those who brought their cars and to those who helped with the event.
Special thanks to Stan Sackley for allowing the Club to participate in the Concours.
Thanks also to the Wyndham Hotel for their hospitality, the setting up of separate parking
and overall accomodating of our club members. And finally, many thanks to Kevork and
Demetri for setting up the weekend event.
Early Cars
1st 1972 365GTC4 Richard Romer
2nd 1964 400SA Leonard Remberg
3rd 1966 275GTB Dave Harper
4th 1967 365GT 2+2 John Gemma
1st 1989 328GTS Tad Davis
2nd 1980 308GTSi Carlos Amato
3rd 1985 308GTS QV Bill Follet
4th 1979 308GTS Demetri Zafaris
1st 1986 TR Ken Ciszek
2nd 1990 TR Tony Hart
3rd 1990 TR John Joulakian
4th 1990 TR Barry Fodor
1st 1992 348 Series Speciale Walter Meyer
2nd 1999 355 Spider George Genel
3rd 1995 355 Berlinetta Jim Hyldahl