
President's Corner

By Bill Inglis

Dear FCA Members,

I would like to give the club members a few of my thoughts regarding my duties as your president.  At this time, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Marv Landon for his tenure as your President for two years. In the last 2 years, Marv has enhanced this club with his organizational skills which has honed our club into a real organized entity, rather than just a bunch of club members going off on their own.  Marv has made it much easier for me in the future as well as other members who are on the Board of Directors.  Assuming the presidency is not an easy task, and I will certainly have to call on many of you to assist me in running the club.  There are few items that I would like to point out that I think need work. The foremost is the upcoming national meet in Century City in 2002.  We are still working on sponsorship which continues to be fluid however we are optimistic that we are going to have an absolutely world class meet here in Los Angeles.

A few items that I would like to accomplish during my term are as follows:

  1. Build the membership (always a priority).
  2. 2. Attract younger members.
  3. Solicit new Board meeting attendees who will then segue into Board of Directors later.
  4. Monitor the financial situation in the club to prevent the club overextending ourselves financially especially with regards to the 2002 meet.

We are entering an exciting new era in the ownership of Ferrari automobiles, evidenced by the Ride and Drive to Monterey.  I was struck by the number of drivers who were forty and under.  Along with their enthusiasm, I think the Ferrari Club of America has much to look forward to in the future. 

Bill Inglis
FCA Southwest Regional President