Ferrari Club of America - Southwest Region

Article Articles


President's Corner

By Marvin Landon

I received a call from F.C.A. National about ways to better serve our members. The call came from Judd Goldfeder, one of the founding fathers of the F.C.A. Southwest Region, who is active on a National level with the F.C.A. At our February Board Meeting, Judd explained his mission, which included bringing more events to local and regional members. Creating local chapters in areas where large groups of members live, would accomplish this goal.

As you all know, we cover Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii and Southern California. We would like to encourage chapters in Nevada, Hawaii, and possibly South Orange County to organize local events. We have chapters in Arizona and San Diego that are becoming very active in their local areas. If you would like to participate in developing a chapter in one of the areas I mentioned above, please contact me.

However, I do believe we have a very exciting event calendar and I hope to see many of you over the next few months. Please join us at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on El Segundo Boulevard near LAX for our March 12th meeting.