While a whole treatise on the Internet is not possible here, suffice it to say that the Internet is the current incarnation of the much touted "Information Superhighway." Started many years ago as a way for government and education researchers to share information, it has recently been exploding in size and reach. Today many mere mortals have access to the Internet and its vast array of information. Heck, even my Mother is on the Internet.
There are a number of basic things one can do on the Internet:
Popular providers today include America Online, CompuServe, the Microsoft Network, Prodigy, etc. The fees are usually monthly or based on the amount of time spent "online" with the service, or a combination of the two. In addition to facilitating electronic mail, these service providers offer a wealth of online information and ways to interact with people of similar interest. For example, there are very active "forums" of people discussing things like Formula 1, autocrossing, racing, etc.
If you like to stay in touch with these sorts of things and own a computer with a modem, you might want to give one of the providers a call and establish an account. The $10-20 per month could be a good investment. If you buy the new version of Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, you'll already have access to the Microsoft Network, which is one of the newest and most technically advanced services.
If you have an account on one of these types of services (or get one in the future), inquire as to how to send mail to the Internet and send me some articles for Sempre Ferrari. My Internet address is: Sempre_Ferrari@msn.com and I'd love to hear from you. I've also established an account especially for the Club at: Sempre_Ferrari@msn.com.
If all this sounds interesting but you're still confused, be sure to attend this month's General Membership Meeting on September 26th at Microsoft's offices in Santa Monica. Get that account and next month I'll tell you how to access a whole wealth of online information about Ferraris!